Since something about 10 months I am seaching to learn how to mix Music. I find Music may express so much more and is a communicator, a medium between the seen and unseen, felt and unfelt, known and unknown, between the form and the formless.

In the realm of Yoga & Transformation this set of music may clear out the old (letting go is sometimes not so easy) & makes space for the NEW. The new YOU. The new US. Come and enter your heart with all the sorrow and pain that is there. The journey that the music takes is dedicated to healing. Sometimes the wounds still hurt and we have to go through the process – itching, hurting & feeling the wound and recognizing what it may tell us and that on all levels (emotional, mental, physical…)

If you feel to dance or move, do it.
If you feel to cry, or laugh, do it.
If you feel to just let go and trust, do it.
If you feel nothing – appreciate it as it is.
If you feel love & peace – you are at home.

Aeon Souls Of Love by .∆Im33 on Mixcloud

Breathe deep. Let go of the past. Let go of outworn belief systems. Be. Keep up. Be creative about your life. Go with the flow of change. Don’t ‚vomit’ on anybody. It is your personal process.

Don´t hurt yourselves anymore. It is time to leave this realm. Come and be in peace, joy and the eternity of the moment. Enter the vastness of your Higher Self – that is unlimited – if you don’t limit it by the voice of your ego! Tears that come up naturally are so called golden tears, that worship the past – the key to move on! Keep silence. Just let them go. Its peace.

This Set is dedicated to my friends, students, beloved, family, tribe and all the Ones I had to leave behind for my personal transformation. Thank you for being the reason I may grow, be, learn, express, create and live for! May TODAY elevate us all into the realm of collective peace and joy!

Text & Soundmix ©
Aimee Denkmann