Destress, Unload, Release, Reveal, Build, Transform, Expand
25th OCT - 1. NOV 2015
Aimée Denkmann B.B.A.

PROGRAMMÂ |Â 25th OCT - 1. NOV 2015Â
This curriculum might be updated and adjusted in regard to the amount on participants & instructors, weather, specific needs of the group and organizational issues. We are living in the moment, so this program is non static, but in dynamic of that what is appearing and what we create at that moment.
Dinner at 19:00h
Sharing & Introduction about the weeks inputs / Organizing the Seva (Selfless Service)
Small Meditation to connect with the group + for good & healthy communication
MONDAY - A Day to enter the process & arrive more deeply
5:30 - 7:00h Morning Sadhana "Al Mare!" - Yoga, Singing & Meditation at the most pranic time of the day at the seaside
Seva, Cooking & Breakfast
11:00 - 14:00h Workshop 1
18:00 - 19:30h Yogaclass & Meditation
TUESDAY - Hiking & Singing in the Olives in the time of Amrit Vela
5:30 Sadhana & Early Hiking (Breathwalk) | Yogic Picknick on the top of the mountain
Seva & Brunch
18:30 - 20:00 Yogaclass & Meditation
Dinner & Movie
WEDNESDAY - Creativity Day - Pamper your Soul
9:00 Seva & Breakfast
11:00 - 17:00 Workshop 2 (including brakes)
Prepare Dinner, Shower, Dress Up
18:00h Yogiparty of Expression, Exhibition & Dance
THURSDAY - Conscious Communication, Resonance & Relationships
5:30 - 7:00h Morning Sadhana (Yoga & Singing)
Seva, Cooking & Breakfast
11:00 - 14h Workshop 3
18:00 - 19:30h Yogaclass & Meditation

FRIDAY - Excursion to a majestic mystic Lagune in the Mountains of Piemonte
Trip to Tanarello/Piemonte, Yoga & Meditation there, Communication with the Unknown, Picknick
Closing Party & Yogic Dinner with Campfire
SATURDAYÂ - Free time & space
Who likes might stay this day to ground after the Workshop or enjoy this place, visit the market in Imperia or just be. The stay in the houses is included in the complete weeks ticket (check-out Sunday 11:00h) We are happy to cook and finish the food we have bought for this week.

Everybody is a unique part in this week and all are asked to contribute to a fulminant group experience in an active, caring, equal and conscious way.
This week is dedicated to free, liberate expression & healing for the needs of your soul. You are asked to be who you are, expand beyond your limitations & discover new facets about yourself in a proactive way. In the realm of yogic knowledge or physical wellbeing & fitness you might already have some experience, but if you are an enthusiastic beginner this is also a good week for you. You go as far as you choose, take conscious responsibility for yourself and rest if needed.
The income we get in return for this workshop will be processed to further move on with the holistic health project yogaliguria.com. We are just at a starting point and the people coming will be supporters of an approach to changing human consciousness and transform the energy of hate, fear, anger, frustration into freedom, liberation, balance, creativity, community, equality and love! Everybody has the same potential to emerge and to be one and liberate to feel lifeforce & love flowing again. Expressing your individual uniqueness and power is an important source in unity creation. Find out about your Self, or just be it. We might help you discover or ground some parts about you that you didn´t even know about, or that you were not able to accept as talents or valuable traits.
Pain comes from the broken connections inside ourselves (and we get mirrored in the outside world), but the break for what we are suffering lies in our own selves, because we neglected some truths or withstand the inner love-current to be purified by it. We hold on to outworn beliefs about our identity and hold on to old patterns and emotions that are loaded by the past information that make us be fearful about the now. "Other" energies/statements/people/happenings are triggering exactly these points to be vibed out and be resolved... there is one thing healing and soothing all this, and its LOVE aaaand FORGIVENESS and being TRUE.
Come and be part of this transforming week, to liberate your soul expression and its needs in a sweet & creative but lasting way with the wisdom of kundalini yoga. We are creating an event that is in the context of applied spirituality, so yes, the vehicle is yoga, but your unique expression and the source for happiness only lies within your Self. And that is what no one else can do for you. Find out about that treasures.Â

The main concept & teaching is processed by Aimée Denkmann. We will be happy to announce in time other Instructors and Guestteachers who enrich the curriculum with their presence.
„With more then 10 years of spiritual practice and experience in different yogastyles & interdisciplinary healing methods, Aimée Denkmann B.B.A. is specialized in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. She graduated in teacher training in the French Alps at Amrit Nam Sarovar, a Kundalini Yoga School, which collaborates closely with the KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) and the IKYTA (Interntional Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association). Head of the School is Karta Singh Khalsa – direct student of Yogi Bhajan.
Aimée graduaded in Business Administration (Finance & International Relations/Development) at Frankfurt Goethe University. She is the Cofounder of SAINT CHARLES Complementary, an interdisciplinary Yoga- & Artstudio in Vienna/Austria. Apart from her yogic work, she curated various art exhibitions & events as well as she interconnects, promotes and supports interdisciplinary projects and creative ideas in the realm of Body | Mind | Spirit | Contemporary Art | Bio/Organic/Sustainable Living | Design & Music for the purpose of inspiration.
Since Summer 2015 she resides in Liguria/Italy working on a holistic health recovery project – namely yogaliguria.com.“

Price for Teaching, Workshops, Material, etc. 500 p.P.
+ Price for Food and eventual Transport 80 p.P.
Single Yogaclass 20 Euro/Class
Single Workshop 15 Euro/Hour + Travelcost
1 Day Ticket 120 Euro
2 Day Ticket 210 Euro

Casa Silja „Casa del Filosofo“ (4 - 5 People max.)
// 1 Doublebed in closed Bedroom 200 p.P./week (for couples and/or friends)
// 1 Doublebed in Livingroom 180 p.P./week
// 1 Singlebed on Gallery 170 p.P./week
(Sanitary/Bathroom/Shower is in the House available)
Pictures of this house you find here
Piccola Casa Campanga
// 1 Doublebed in open (no door), but separated (single) Room 180 p.P./week
// Camping on the Land 100 p.P./week
(Sanitary/Bathroom/Shower is in the House available)
Pictures TBA
Hotel „Relais Del Maro - Albergo Diffuso“
// Accommodation in Single Room 80 p.P./Day
// Accommodation in Double Room 70 p.P./Day
(Breakfast & Teatime @ Relais Del Maro is included in the Price. The 80 Euro for yogic food participation & transport come extra. If it is going to be less for Food & Transport, we pay you back the rest at the end of the week.)
For booking and contact please follow this Link

We have 2 free spots reserved for you as a Teacher, Instructor, Cook, Helper, Translator, Organizator etc. You will not have to pay anything for attending classes and workshops and joining the Camp, neither for your stay on the Land. You organize and help where you can, cook, repair, answer questions etc. We are happy If you share a Workshop and present your special Knowledge in the realm of this week of Yoga and creative Exansions. For Food, Material and Water we require you to give a participation of 110 Euro/Week. Thats all. Your stay will either be in a tent, that we have here, or in one of the rooms if beds are free. We will find a suiting way.
If you are interested please write to us and also give an idea of your workshop or the class you want to be giving, or your work you like to bring in for the community and the place yogaliguria.com.

Please get in contact with us via info@yogaliguria.com or per SMS/WhatsApp +43 699 171 66211Â prior to your booking.
Full Yogaweek inclusive & exclusive accomodation
Registration by Pre-Payment of the full sum until 16th October 2015
(Depending on the amount of participants we need to organize several things, such as the yogaroom, food, preparing accommodation as well as transport)
Payment example: Price for Teaching 500,-
+ Price for Food 80,-
+ Accommodation eg. 180,-
= 740,-
For Bookers who will be staying in Hotel Relais Del Maro, please organize the stay & payment directly with wonderful heart and owner of this place Elena Scrambin | www.relaisdelmaro.com
Bookers of Single Classes & Day Tickets
You can try to to announce your attendance spontaneously, but for our organization it would be better to confirm your visit as soon as you know you can take part (since we have to find the right size for a yogaroom and prepare everything so it goes fluidly within the week. If you are coming to have a „short visit“ of the Yogaweek, keep in mind that there might be participants who are deeply emerced in the process. Anyways you are happily welcome also for a short stay in this programm.
Single Yogaclass 20 Euro/Class
Single Workshop 15 Euro/Hour + Travelcost
1 Day Ticket 120 Euro
2 Day Ticket 210 Euro
Please announce in an exact way in which part of the program (Day/Hour/Workshop or Excursion) you would like to take part. Contact for booking is also via info@yogaliguria.com or per WhatsApp +43 699 171 66211
* All Prices exclusive to your Travel Costs to arrive here in Borgomaro.

A GREAT THANK YOUÂ to all sweet souls helping together that our project will manifest. <3

Looking forward, sending warm regards from Liguria <3
Blessings, Love & Light,
Aimée Kanwarsukh Denkmann B.B.A.