Mit LOVESCOPE öffnet sich ein Raum mit einem Punkt. Der Raum für all das was wir in unserem Menschsein nicht wegkompensieren können. Der Raum der Vielfalt. Authentiziät. Wahrheit. Wandlung. Liebe. Erschaffung. Ja es ist der Raum des Herzens. Ich bin da. Jetzt erst...
Yoga for the soul

Yoga for the soul

Yoga for the soul I got into kundalini yoga about a year ago. Before then, I had a brief flirt with hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga and an on-going affair with bikram. Each of these styles taught me something different about my body, my mind, and their limits. But somehow,...
Aeon Souls of Love

Aeon Souls of Love

Since something about 10 months I am seaching to learn how to mix Music. I find Music may express so much more and is a communicator, a medium between the seen and unseen, felt and unfelt, known and unknown, between the form and the formless. In the realm of Yoga...
Be the Change

Be the Change

Expand in Love – How do you relate? It is to build upon the positive or neutral knowledge that is coming from your experiences with your feelings, knowing, intuition, instincts, dna, 5 senses und use this and then put on a new face to this. The face of your new truths...